Category: <span>Adventure</span>

The Greatest City in the World

I can’t believe I forgot to include in my last post about the trolls in Macy’s windows – they were horrifying! So, anyway, despite entering the lottery for each Hamilton performance during my trip, Kinky Boots was my only show. I’d really hoped for a Hamiracle, but no such luck. …

Rain and the City

I fell asleep before doing my Foot Rubz massage, and boy, were my feet were feeling it in the morning. I was surprised, however, that my legs were just fine. Too bad it was still raining this morning (thanks, Hurricane Matthew). I know that Matt did far worse damage elsewhere …

Urban Day Hike

I wrote this yesterday (Saturday), but fell asleep before posting. Last night, I made sure to Facetime with Hubs and The Girl Before she went to bed. He asked me, “Are you just hanging out in your room for the rest of the night?” Um, yea-ah! I’m hanging out in …

I <3 NY

Today, I embarked on a solo vacation – to New York City (New York City?! Get a rope.) – squeee! The moment I set foot inside the United terminal at O’Hare, I was smiling. The promise of travel adventure is always exciting, but even more so when I have no …

Good to the Last Drop

California Wine Country Trip – Day 5 – July 25, 2016 We woke up on our last morning, kind of ready to go home, but kind of not. It had been such a lovely, relaxing, romantic trip. Reality will be harsh. Still, we made breakfast, packed up, cleaned up after ourselves, …

Still Drinking The Wine

California Wine Country Trip – Day 4 – July 24, 2016 Once again, I slept so well that I woke up BEFORE my alarm. When I went outside to have my tea on the deck, Esmerelda was still there, waiting for her us to come out and play. But, I found …