Category: <span>Holiday</span>


Coquito translates to “little coconut,” and is a traditional Christmas time drink with origins in Puerto Rico. Some call it Puerto Rican Eggnog, but it’s definitely its own thing. I have read that some put an egg yolk in it, but I did not. I first learned of the drink …

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roasting pumpkin seeds is something my mom always did for us when we were kids. Dad would help us carve the pumpkins and mom would roast the seeds. As a grownup, I seldom did it… until recently. Now, after each annual pumpkin party at my MIL’s, I take home a …

Holla for Challah!

This week, Jews celebrate Rosh Hashana (literally translated: Rosh – head and Hashana – the year), Jewish New Year 5777. Technically, the new year began at sundown this past Sunday night, which is when we had my family over for dinner. There were 14 of us, and it was a great …

Coconut Macaroons

I’ve never been a huge fan of those coconut macaroons that are a staple of every Seder dessert table. Then again, I’ve only ever had the Manischewitz variety from the can. Today, I made some from scratch! I found the recipe in Stacey Ballis‘ book, Out to Lunch. Here it is – …


Tonight, in preparation for Passover, I made a big batch of charoset (usually pronounced charoses). For those of you who aren’t familiar with it, charoset is a key player in the Seder, or Passover dinner. It symbolizes the mortar used by the Jewish slaves in Egypt as they built the …